Sunday, May 8, 2011

Pokemon Episode 247: Will the Real Oak Please Stand Up?

The gang stop by at a hamburger joint in a town. The radio is playing, and apparently Professor Oak has a talk show time with one of the more famous hosts, Kurumi. The professor starts off with one of his ever-so-famous haikus about a Pokemon. The show continues on until the announcement of an event catches Ash's ears. The resturaunt workers said that the event is going to be at Maroon Town, it's not too far.
At another end of town, Jesse, James, and Meowth stagger across a street. Hunger still biting at them hard and they pretty much have no hope. Except when they come up to a posted flyer about the event Oak's at, they read through it and notice that there's going to be a party, and when there's a party, there's food. Seeing how popular this even seems advertised, Jesse and James do the one thing they can do to get in, imitate Oak and Kurumi. Meowth however is stuck as a "producer" but at least it'll get him in. The thing is though, he's stuck with Wobbuffet to look tall.
When they get on the set, the Rockets are introduced by Joy as the event seems to be taking place near a Pokemon Center. James is a little good on imitating Oak, Jesse is somewhere near the hyper area, and Meowth just stays pretty much quiet. So as a starter, the three chow down to the offered food and soon a few kids come by to ask Professor Oak questions, except James doesn't know anything about Pokemon. Meowth and Jesse start backing him up with a few books behind the table. The first questions had to do with Farfetch'd, but no neither Jesse or Meowth could find anything, so James had to improvise. The next question was who was the better water Pokemon and simply Quagsire was the answer. (along with a thoughtful explaination) Meanwhile, Jesse gets a surprise visit from what looks like fans of Kumuri, now she's stuck in the fold.
After the day is done, the Rockets chill out in a Japanese style bath at a hotel, basking in their success. Except for one flaw, Wobbuffet seems to just has to be a little hyper at bad times and it might just ruin their day. Well everything should go out okay? After all, they got it made already.
The next day, Ash and co. managed to get to Maroon City's Pokemon Center for the event with Oak. When they got there, they met the real Oak and Kurumi, who are apparently having some trouble getting in. Joy explains that they already came in... Also the same group of kids don't really think the Professor knows as much as he says and they pretty much shout at him. Apparently "Oak" and "Kurumi" are there right now! Everyone goes over there to see what's up. A little fight breaks out between the two Oak's for who's real and who's not. Misty happens to break in the fray, saying that they should have a quiz. The real Oak should easily get by this one. It's decided, a quiz to see who's the real Oak.
The quiz is soon under way, both persons competing for who's the real one. The real Kurumi is the more host than Jesse is, and Joy is the host. The rules are pretty much like any other quiz, buzz in first, say the answer, and if you're correct, you get a point.
The first question is what does a Slowpoke ev...? Oak knowing the answer to that buzzes in real fast, interrupting Joy causing him to miss the entire question. He says Slowbro, but gets it wrong. When the answer is actually: That it learns Amnesia after it evolves, which James Guesses and Gets right!
The next question is guessing a Pokemon over one little shaded area. The figure looks like a circle with three appendages sticking out. James buzzes in with Sudowoodo, Oak says Girafarig. The answer: Aipom.
It's now time for the Pokemon haiku session, the Pokemon they're supposed to explain: Farfetch'd. James starts off with a good haiku that everyone likes, but his explaination is not so satisfactory. Oak's haiku was a little bland, but his explaination sure enough got him a point.
Now it's a tie. For the breaker, they have to explain one Pokemon from the producer, otherwise Meowth. With Meowth up there, Wobbuffet goes a little hyped up and talks. With Jesse and Meowth not wanting to know there is a Wobbuffet around Meowth simply just say s Wobbuffet. With that, James easily breezes through this one while Oak is just inches away from being more better to James. Jesse and Meowth have a little celebration with that but Wobbuffet blows their cover by knocking Meowth off. Ash now knows that it's Team Rocket and the Rockets have no other choice, so they throw in their motto. They hop off on their balloon and go away with the food that was there.
Ash runs after them and almosts releases a Pokemon but Oak comes back with one of his own and uses it for the battle. The Pokemon he's using, a simple Pidgey. Oak tells the Pidgey to use a Quick Attack. The Pidgey charges at full speed to the balloon, cutting off the rope that secured the food. Meanwhile on the ground, Ash and Brock run over to catch the food. Oak tells the Pidgey to go up for a Gust attack, but Team Rocket simply laughs, assuming this Pidgey can't hurt them worth beans. Looks like they really underestimated the Pidgey when it released a strong gust of wind and bursted a hole in the balloon, blasting them off.
The Pidgey comes back to Oak and all the kids gather around, apologizing about what happened before. And things seem to go back to normal.
Except for Team Rocket, left without food, and hanging from a branch. They sulk about this loss, until the branch breaks off.


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