Sunday, May 8, 2011

Pokemon Episode 226: Nerves of Steelix

Brock and Misty are at the PokeCenter getting things ready when Jenina comes by. She wonders where Ash is and they tell her he went out for a little field training and they were going to meet up with him. Ash is seen later running along the coastline with all his Pokemon. He soon sees Brock, Misty, and Jenina in the distance and hurries up towards them. When they meet up, they continue to walk along the shore, until they come to a big Wobuffet statue. Ash reads the little plaque in front, saying to place your prized Pokemon here for some superstitious thing. Ash puts up Pikachu on top and the statue's eyes glow. Suddenly a spring shoots Pikachu into the mouth and soon reveals it's another one of Team Rocket's traps. The statue drives off with the concealed treads. Ash has Bayleef use a Razor Leaf to the bot but proves ineffective. While driving off with their catch, James recalls the time when they couldn't get a new pencil case... supposedly indestructable even by a Snorlax stomping on them. They were teased of course, but they know who'll get the last laugh with Pikachu.
Suddenly a Steelix from the cliff above drops down towards them, biting onto the robot. Then Jasmine jumps down and meets up with the gang. The bot falls down and becomes unstable and almost about to be blown. Before this can happen, Bayleef uses Vine Whip to take out Pikachu. After that, the bot blows up sending Team Rocket back to the sky. After thanking Jasmine and commenting about her Steelix, all of them head off to the gym for the battle they so long been expecting.
The battle would be a two on two, and obviously, no time limit. Jasmine starts off with a Magnemite and Ash sends out Pikachu. Pikachu starts it off with a Thunderbolt but Magnemite simply dodges out of the way. Magnemite throws down a Thunderwave back at Pikachu, Pikachu dodging as well. This seemed to continue for a while but then Pikachu throws in a Quick Attack, but also has little effect becuase of Magnemite's steel type. This opprutunity lead Magnemite's Thunderwave to succesfully hit Pikachu. But Pikachu was able to resist it and tried another Quick Attack, putting the Magnetmite out of commission for the first round.
Next up was Steelix, however, Steelix has the advantage with Pikachu fatigued from the last round. The first attack was Iron Tail by Steelix, but Pikachu was able to dodge it with ease. Pikachu retaliated with a Thunderbolt, but it had not effect once so ever. Steelix soon finished Pikachu off with another Iron Tail. Ash already had another thing planned and so he sends out Cyndaquil. Steelix again starts off with an Iron Tail, Cyndaquil easily dodging that. After being busy with dodging, Cyndaquil finally used a Flame Thrower to Steelix. However, Steelix started using a Dig attack, making a dust devil appear absorbing the flame. Now unable to anything, they just wait until Steelix rises out again.
Steelix rises out but misses Cyndaquil by a close call. Steelix again tries a Iron Tail, missing and Cydaquil going for a Flamethrower again. Steelix Digs once again to evade the attack and the process repeats for a while. Seeing that this dodging and flamethrowing won't work, why not play them at her own game? Cyndaquil tries a Smokescreen but Steelix Digs, which causes it to easily go away. However when Steelix stops for a moment, Cyndaquil isn't there. Cyndaquil soon appears from a hole behind the Steelix and then shoots out a Flamethrower being at the advantage. Steelix gets hit, but not quite down from the blow, instead gets mad. Steelix tries an Iron Tail over and over while Cyndaquil dodges. Looks like the presistancy when Cyndaquil tries to dodge an Iron Tail but gets smacked out of the ring. Everyone thinks that Cyndaquil is knocked out, but Cyndaquil gets up and tries to get back onto the ring. Cyndaquil successfully makes it and with a whole lot more energy than what it looked like.
Steelix dives in for a Bite attack and Cyndaquil releases again another Smokescreen. Cyndaquil appears to be nowhere again, so Jasmine has Steelix Iron Tail the ground to shake it a bit. In the tunnel where Cyndaquil is hiding becomes unstable, forcing him to head for the surface. Another Iron Tail was attempted and failed, and Cyndaquil tries a Flamethower. Steelix again digs, but remains on the surface. Cyndaquil gives the Flame some power which keeps the Steelix on the surface. Ash then gets the idea, if the flame stays long enough, then it'll turn the tornado into an inferno. Ash says to use Flamethrower at full power, which turns the tornado from warm then into a blaze. After a while Steelix stops, all steaming and burnt from the heat, which then collaspes. Ash wins the match!
Ash is rewarded the Mineral Badge and wonders where to go next. Jenina says they should head to Mahogany, but they'll have to cut through Ecruteak again. Being settled, they set off for the next town, or two.

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