Ash and friends admire the nice Johto scenery when they spot a Houndoom delivering something. At the same time, Team Rocket is also admiring the scenery from the Meowth Balloon. Jessie reminds them that they need to get some Pokémon for the boss. Team Rocket then spots Ash and friends, so they interrupt them with their usual lines. James sends out Weezing and tells it to do Smokescreen, making it impossible for Ash and friends to see. Jessie then tells her Arbok to attack Pikachu, but Pikachu is ready and fends it off with a Thunderbolt. With all the action, Togepi gets away from Misty and is near Weezing, so to get away uses Metronome, which ends up being Teleport sending it far away.Team Rocket eventually loses to Ash and is sent blasting off again! Meanwhile, the Houndoom that Ash spotted at the beginning hears Togepi's crying and rescues it from atop a big tree. Houndoom sees that it is still sad, and gets an apple for it. A Pinsir then tries to attack poor Togepi, but Houndoom scares it off. Houndoom tries to leave Togepi again, but hears its crying and comes back once again. This time Houndoom puts Togepi on its back and continues on with his new friend. Ash and friends at the same time are searching for Togepi.
They all think of the worst, but then Ash has the idea of getting the Pokémon to help them. Ash sends out his shiny Noctowl and Brock sends out his Golbat to help look. In another place, Houndoom is trying to jump over some rocks when an angry Gyarados knocks it into the water. When Togepi and Houndoom make it to shore, Togepi tries to climb up a hill, but starts to fall. Houndoom acts fast and saves his little friend. They make their way all the way up to the top of the hill and find a field of flowers with a bunch of Grass and Bug Pokémon. Togepi has some fun, but Houndoom thinks that it is in trouble and tries to save it. The problem is that it makes a Venusaur angry and gets put to sleep. Back with the gang, Noctowl finds the footprints of Togepi, but there are another set of footprints. Meanwhile, Togepi finally wakes up Houndoom and they get on there way again. Ash and company are hot on Togepi's trail though and they run across the same rocks and see the same Gyarados.
They find a hill and climb up it to find the same field of flowers that Togepi and Houndoom were in earlier. Team Rocket isn't having very good luck and because of the altitude, they almost crash and bang into the Gyarados that was seen earlier. The Gyarados is enraged and sends them water blasting off again! Togepi and Houndoom, who are far away, continue to travel further and further. They go inside a tree for shelter during a thunderstorm. Outside of a tree, you see part of the body of a Raikou! Meanwhile, Ash and friends seem to have lost Togepi because the footprints have been washed away. They don't give up though and Pikachu finds some fresh footprints. Togepi on the other hand is sleeping on Houndoom's back when it comes back to a farm with an old man with some Mareep. Ash and friends finally catch up and find Togepi!
Misty thanks Houndoom for taking care of her Togepi, but then Team Rocket interrupts everyone by catching Houndoom in a net. Ash sends out Chikorita, and it cuts Houndoom free with its Razor Leaf attack. Jessie and James send out Arbok and Victreebel to fight back, but Pikachu and Houndoom save the day and send Team Rocket fire blasting off again! The old man leads them back on their way so everyone says goodbye and they start to leave when Togepi starts to cry and runs back to Houndoom. They say a sad good bye and with that, our heroes continue on.